church of God in Honduras

Honduras Outreach

We travelled from Roatan to Rio Esteban, a village on the mainland to visit Lisette's family and hold service there.  We hired a minivan driver which picked us up at the boat dock. We crowded 11 passengers into the van. The van began sputtering and died on a bridge.  It had run out of gas.  The driver coasted across the bridge, jumped out and caught ride, leaving us in the van.  He was back shortly with gas in a gallon jug. We planned for him to take us to visit a prison, but the van developed engine problems and would not take us up a small incline.  He got another van and we were off to the prison.

The bus station in La Ceiba is surrounded by small shops.  The girls took advantage of the lay over to enjoy some shopping.  The bus was hot and became crowded to the point people were standing in the aisle. A store was under construction by the roadside between La Ceiba and Rio Esteban.  The woman is sawing the board by hand. Country life is simple.  A wood fire in a clay oven warms the beans.  Chickens and pigs roam the yard.  Bananas and plantains are harvested with machetes.

bus station in La CeibaBus Station in La Ceiba
Catholicism in HondurasCatholicism Remains a Predominant Religion
riding the busHot Bus Rides Along Bumpy, Dusty Roads
shopping in La CeibaShopping While Waiting for Bus
hired vanHired Van to La Ceiba Prison
new store constructionNew Country Store Under Construction
Honduras country lifeHorses for Transportation
mountains of HondurasHonduras Mainland Has Tall Mountains
hauling produceDonkey Cart for Hauling Produce
visiting the sickVisiting a Cancer Victim in Mud and Stick House
encouraging the sickEncouraging the Sick
family in Rio EstebanFamily of Eleardina Rodriquez
children of HondurasFriends
fishing doryTypical Honduras Fishing Dory
country homeChickens and Pigs Roam Freely
waiting for busWaiting for the Bus, Rio Esteban
bus driverI was nervous when I noticed how young our bus driver was!
donkeyI felt like I stepped back in time...
Honduras waterfallWhat a beautiful country!

We had service the first night in the yard of Sister Lisette's parents' house. Rio Esteban is a Garifuna village, composed mostly of people from the Garifuna tribe of Africa.  They still speak their African language and carry on African customs. During the service, local worshippers played drums, sticks, and a turtle shell while singing in Garifuna.

We waited to catch the bus to visit a cancer victim.  When the bus did arrive, I told someone "Our bus driver is every bit of 13 years old."  I was wrong.  He was 12.  He seemed to do a fine job driving, though.  He loved using the air horn.

The elderly lady with cancer was touched by our visit and shed some tears.  She had already made arrangements to be baptized.  The thatch roofed structure where we visited her is the kitchen.  Notice the clay oven in the corner.